Rowan has finally started to outgrow some of his three month clothes. I suppose it's about time, considering he is now seven and a half months old! It just means he's not our tiny little man anymore. He's having fun bring more independent, playing with toys and being able to sit up on his own and look around at everyone. I forgot to put up my posts for the week before, so I will do some double posts this week.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
January 13 - 14
January 8 - 12

Rowan's new IV pole. This is connected to his g tube, and is slowly dripping in formula. It is difficult taking him anywhere since he is connected to this 24/7.

We have been on WIC since Rowan was born, since we knew he would be a million dollar baby and we'd need some help financially. They have now started giving us baby food, which of course Rowan can't eat yet. So this is the beginning of our baby food storage!

This should actually be on the 11th, but the photo did not fit there. At Rowan's appointment with Dr. Kogut, she thought he was doing great, so he was upgraded to a Mickey Plug! This means that if we are not pumping formula through his g tube, we can take the cord off and it will just have a plug on it, which means less for Rowan to pull on!

Since we are cramped in a small room right now, all of Rowan's medical supplies are in bins in the closet.

Kirk and Rowan at Buffalo Wild Wings. Kirk asked a while back if he could be Rowan's Godfather, and of course we said yes!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
January 6 - January 7, 2012

Rowan and Mommy stayed up late playing the night before we got discharged from the hospital.

Even though we couldn't take Rowan to church since he now has an IV pole that has to be plugged in for power, we got Rowan dressed up, so after Mommy and Daddy took turns going to church Rowan was able to look just as studdly as Daddy.
January 1 - January 5, 2012
For Christmas Mike gave me a Project Life Digital Photobook, so that we can have every day of 2012 documented. So we've decided that after each week, we will post what I've uploaded to the photo book, so we've got it documented in both places, and it will keep our blog actually up to date! Since I can only post 5 pictures per blog post, I will put everything for days 6 and 7 on a separate post. So here we go!

Mommy and Rowan spent New Year's at the hospital, while Daddy was at home cleaning. Rowan played with the stuffed animal he got from the nurses, and held hands with his new friend (without any help from Mommy!)

Rowan's first real feeding! He was only allowed to eat 3 ml of a formula called EleCare, which is "pre-digested". Mommy was worried he wasn't swallowing, so she tried to take the bottle away to check, but Rowan grabbed it and pulled it back to his mouth! He was so excited to finally eat, even if they didn't use Mommy's milk yet.

Sometimes Rowan pulls his blanket up onto his head. For some reason this seems to comfort him.

This is our room in the hospital, room 555.

I was trying to get a picture of Rowan sitting up on his own, but then he started making his poopy face, so I got that instead.

Mommy and Rowan spent New Year's at the hospital, while Daddy was at home cleaning. Rowan played with the stuffed animal he got from the nurses, and held hands with his new friend (without any help from Mommy!)

Rowan's first real feeding! He was only allowed to eat 3 ml of a formula called EleCare, which is "pre-digested". Mommy was worried he wasn't swallowing, so she tried to take the bottle away to check, but Rowan grabbed it and pulled it back to his mouth! He was so excited to finally eat, even if they didn't use Mommy's milk yet.

Sometimes Rowan pulls his blanket up onto his head. For some reason this seems to comfort him.

This is our room in the hospital, room 555.

I was trying to get a picture of Rowan sitting up on his own, but then he started making his poopy face, so I got that instead.
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