Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Well, we made it 3 1/2 weeks until we had to come back to the hospital, and the frustrating part is that it's not even Rowan's fault that we are here. Last Friday a nurse came to take a blood test. She took the blood and then went to flush the broviac line. Instead of slowly pushing the fluid through like you are supposed to, she just shoved it through the line! Rowan just started screaming, and she said something like yeah that doesn't really feel good does it? Of course not! If you do it correctly he doesn't feel it at all! So then he starts bleeding from the site where the line goes into the leg. The nurse then says we'll need to go to the hospital and isn't it lucky she was here when this happened... Rowan had surgery on Saturday and the broviac has now been placed in his chest, which is the last spot it can be put. While he was in surgery, Dr. Kogut also reopened his incision and cut out two tiny pieces of his intestine that weren't functioning well. Last Thursday we had been at the hospital doing what is called an Upper GI with a Small Bowel Follow Through, which basically means they put some dye in his stomach and take pictures of it going through the intestines to see if there are any issues, and with that Dr. Kogut found a sluggish area and decided to take it out while she had him in surgery. So we are now up to six surgeries and six blood transfusions. Rowan was taken off the ventilator yesterday and while at first he struggled he is now doing really well. He didn't get quite as puffy as he did in the last surgery. On the bright side, he has had brown poop three times! He has never done that before so this is a great accomplishment! We are very excited about this progress, and I hope it means we will be able to start giving him larger amounts of milk soon. Rowan just turned three months old on the 19th, and unfortunately he missed it because he was still sedated and sleeping. But overall he is doing really well and hopefully we will have him home soon!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We have been home for two while weeks now! It's a record! Things have been going pretty well. Only minimal doctors appointments so we can mostly live a normal life! Rowan will normally sleep through the night, though he does have an off night every once in a while where he cries most of the night. But we were able to take him to church for the first time last sunday and he did great! He slept most of the time and didn't get too fussy when he woke up. We stayed for the first two hours. He's only being allowed to have 5ml of milk every day, but at least it's a start. His intestines are slowly working, and since they aren't up to par yet he throws up sometimes from the back up in his stomach. He is a pretty happy baby though and likes going to new places, so we go on lots of walks and family visits.