Monday, June 27, 2011

Here is an update for today -

Rowan has been kicking back these past couple days. The doctors want to leave him alone for a while in order to let him recoup from all his previous surgeries. He has been doing very good, each day he gets better and better. He is back to breathing normal air but they are going to keep him on the respirator just in case.

Tranylle is back at work now just waiting for her baby to come home. She is working long hours because she goes to the hospital every 4 hours to pump and see Rowan. It works out nice because she is so close to the hospital from work. Today she was able to see the surgeon there checking on Rowan. The surgeon was very happy with Rowan and how far he's come. She said his intestines are looking much better and the anemia and swelling have gone down. She didn't say, but Tranylle feels like they might look at doing another surgery attempt on him this week.

Also Rowan is turning into a FATTY! His neck is so huge now that it looks like his head is just plopped right onto his shoulders! They have been feeding him lipids and such in his IV's and that combined with the lack of movement on his part have turned him into a little blob. It's fun looking at his early pictures and comparing them to recent ones. So different all in just 1 week! The nurses are looking into getting a physical therapist maybe later on this week to come in and work with him to make sure his limbs stay moving and he stays in good physical health.

Mommy had a hard time last night being at home without her little boy. We are doing our best to get back to normal life and work till we get to bring him home. In the meantime we still try and see him as much as possible.

Thanks for all the prayers and love. We are going to have fast for Rowan this coming Fast Sunday (July 3rd) for all who would like to take part.


Tranylle said...

We will be posting some pictures and videos later today when we find where the cable to connect the camera to the computer ran off to...

Darwin and Candace Johnson said...

We will be fasting on Sunday for the little man! I'm keeping his name in a couple temples as well!He looks like he is improving and that is great news! Tranylle, you are one tough woman to not only go through all of this, but recover froma c-section and return to work already! don't over do it! Thanks for keeping us posted and we will keep praying for him and you both! love you guys!