Thursday, June 23, 2011

Just in case you haven't read the updates on the videos, Rowan has had a hard day, recouperating from big surgeries the day before, a failed 'pick' line in the early am hours, a new 'pick' line in his head and a blood transfusion has really had a hard toll on his little body. But his spirit fights on! He is doing very good at fighting all the odds and trying to regain composure of his tiny infant body and organs. All the stress has caused his nervous system to react funny and that has given him the jitters for some reason. You can see what it is like in his videos.

Somehow he has also POOPED! The nurse can't figure out how he did it as rectum is only attached to his intestines that are up in the silo and not his stomach. So that is a good sign... at least mom and dad think so.

His breathing had finally come back to near normal. We breathe around 20% oxygen and he is now around a 25-30%. Much better than the 100% they had to have him at earlier. The surgeon also had a look at him and said that his bowls are starting to look much better today in the silo than they did yesterday so that was a good sign as well.

Luckily this post has been mostly all good news. It was a relief for all of us after such a hard couple days and really hard past 24hours.

Mommy has to leave the hospital tonight, but will still be at his bedside in the NICU pretty much all day. Doctors just wont let her be a patient any longer. This just means lots of driving to and from the hospital and naps in waiting rooms/lounges/and foyers.

Thanks for all the continuing support and prayers! We believe that is what is making all the difference for out little man.

1 comment:

S De La Mare said...

Such a sweet blog Mike and Tranylle. Please know that all three of you are in our thoughts and prayers. It is our life experiences that make us rich. You will be blessed.