Monday, July 4, 2011

Sorry it's been a few days since we posted an update. Rowan has been doing really well after the surgery. He's been a bit swollen and had to have the ventilator settings up fairly high the first day, but he's been steadily coming down on those, and has lost a good amount of weight, which is good. He's been retaining a lot of fluids. Mommy and Daddy just went to see Rowan, and Mommy made it in time to see him smiling in his sleep! We haven't really been able to see that, so it was a nice surprise. We talked to Rowan's nurse, and she said they are planning to take him off the ventilator in the morning! Friday night a nurse told us that once he is off the ventilator we will be able to hold him, so we are definitely looking forward to that! We also spoke with Rowan's doctor earlier today, Dr. Minor, who said they will begin training us on how to take care of the broviac/IV and the ostemy bag. He also told us we should be able to take him home in about two weeks. So there is an end in sight! Rowan's nurse seems surprised at how quickly Rowan is recovering from this surgery (he is already completely breathing on his own again) but we had no doubts that he was a tough and amazing boy. Thank you to all those who fasted for him today. We can see the blessings from this already. We will post some pictures and videos from the past couple of days. He is looking better and better every time we see him!

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