Tuesday, July 5, 2011

We finally got to hold him!!!! It's been a great day! All the tubes are out of his mouth, and Rowan is doing wonderfully! He seems to enjoy crying now that he has a voice, but Mommy and Daddy are good at comforting him. He still has his desire to suck, and can sense Mommy's milk nearby, and probably assumes she is depriving him of food! I feel so horrible. Luckily we are able to dip his binky in sugar water, so that makes him think he's sort of getting fed. They've started training Mommy on how to care for his ostemy bag, which turns out isn't too difficult to care for. Rowan is a clever little boy, and always seems to know when we try to leave, because he immediately starts crying so we'll stay a little longer. It was hard to leave him tonight.

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